Intestinal symptoms can arise from irritable bowel syndrome, coeliac disease, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, bowel cancer, bowel polyps, bowel infections, excess bile acid, spastic colon, diverticular disease and drug side effects. There are many effective treatments for these symptoms which we can carefully prescribe.
Lower tummy pain is commonly caused by gastro-intestinal disease. Careful examination and investigation will often lead to a clear diagnosis and effective treatment which we specialise in.
Lower tummy pain is commonly caused by gastro-intestinal disease. Careful examination and investigation will often lead to a clear diagnosis and effective treatment which we specialise in.
Upper tummy pain and indigestion is common and may be caused by cancers, acid reflux, gastric and duodenal ulcers, Helicobacter pylori infection, coeliac disease, eosinophilic oesophagitis, gastro-intestinal dysmotility, and gall bladder disease. Careful investigation will often lead to a clear diagnosis and effective treatment.
Symptoms from the pancreas and gall bladder are common and can be difficult to diagnoses. We offer a comprehensive imaging and endoscopy service to investigate these organs causing jaundice and indigestion symptoms. The diagnosis is frequently gall stone disease and may include cancers, cysts, pancreas tumours and pancreatitis.